How to make your Armor


    10 pounds of Paper Clips
    10 pounds of Saftey Pins
    4 RollsWater Proof Duct Tape
    2 zippers
       (one as long as your torso)
       (one long enough for pants)

1. Well... Start connecting all of the paper clips and saftey pins together in a unique fashion for a while.

2. Wrap the Duct around your body with the sticky side out.
    Hint: Do one arm then the other arm etc.
    Another Hint: You only need chest Armor

3. Start lining your arm or whatever you started first with the paper Clips and the Saftey pins.  You won't use all of them so don't worry but you will need alot if them.

4. After you do your arm then re-layer it with a layer of Duct tape on the outside with all of the sticky side towards the paper clips and stuff.

5. Go to step 3 and repeat (unless you are done with all except down the middle of the chest for the zipper then you can continue)

6. The middle of your chest should be split so you can fit the super zipper in it.  But first go and dip the zipper in the Protective Gel and leave it in there for 5 minutes.  Oh yeah... If you don't like or are getting tired of the Porn Groove Music then go put on some other music you like... BUT Make sure music is always playing!!

7. Get the zipper (use some tongs or something but not your fingers) and stick it in the middle of the armor and it should automaticly bond to the Duct Tape Armor and you will have completed the top part.

8. Go and get some pants or shorts that are a little baggy.  If you don't have any you need to go get some... Hey I never said hunting for IND's was cheap.

9. Dip the pants or shorts in the P.G. but the zippers that come with the pants are usally cheap and will slowly disintegrate over time.   So change the zipper... Cut it out or something.

10. Attach the zipper to the pants and the pants should start shrinking a little bit... about 2 - 3 sizes smaller.

11. Now dip the top Armor in the P.G. and that should use up most of it.  And now get your Star Wars Hat and dip it in there too.

12.  You should be ready now.  Go back to the main page and go to the next part.

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