Very Long And Weird Dream
How long it took me to type it
I typed the whole thing in a couple of days because I was pissed off at people and things. So I had a long time to write and it probably took 10-15 hours or so. I added things and took them out and read it to myself a bunch of times to make sure I didn't leave anything out. This is massively summed up and there isn't as much as there really was in the dream.
History of it
A Couple of nights ago I had this dream and I wrote it all down because I had nothing else to do plus I was pissed and I write when I am pissed. So with out further ado here is my dream and it is very very long. It was 10 pages in size 10 font when I typed it. So I guess you can read parts at a time kinda like a book. Here it is:
My Weird Dream
I awoke in this desert. It was hot and kind of dry and hard to breathe. So I walked in one direction and kept walking. I was getting tired when all of the sudden there was this guy in a black cloak walking in the distance and he stopped. Then he yells, "Are you Shawn Smith?"
"Yeah, why?" I respond.
"Well you are supposed to come with me!" replies the black hooded man.
So I started to walk towards the guy when all of the sudden he disappears. Well now I lost him and I’m screwed. That’s just when I felt this guy tap me on the back. I turned around and it was the guy in the cloak. "Who are you? Are you Death? Am I dead? Am I in Hell? Where am I? Wha…"
"Silence Smith. First Rule: Don’t speak unless you are spoken to!"
"Umm, I don’t think that rule will work with me sorry."
"Shut up NOW!!"
"OK, Sorry"
"OK then. Now the questions you asked don’t need to be answered. You will come with me with out saying a word. You will not revolt any way or you will die."
"Now just wait a second. Now that I am speaking you will kill me? How do I know that I am not already dead? WELL? Answer me! PUNK!"
"You dumb mortals you are all the same you all think that you can only die once and you are dead and your soul lives. Those Rappers. Well they are truly dumb, thinking that being a Gangsta or what ever they say makes them go to Heaven when they die or Hell. Either way they don’t live an afterlife."
"Umm, are you saying that when rappers die they have no soul?"
"Correct so you thankfully are not a rapper since you are here."
"Well that means I am dead then so you can’t kill me and…"
"Listen you can still die no matter where you are. Your soul is alive and that can still be destroyed."
"Well then I can kill you too so your point being that you are so invulnerable means nothing to me."
"Unlike you I am immortal and can not die willingly. You wanna to try to duel me?"
That is when he lifts his fist and spikes fly out of it about an inch and I swear I saw fire come out of his eyes. It sure did scare me. So he starts to walk and I followed him. He didn’t say anything so I had to keep myself preoccupied. I got to thinking no more making fun or poking fun at this guy. He would definitely rip my head off or just decide to do some thing drastic. So either way I won’t pester him anymore. But wait I am dead what do I care. I mean how can he kill some one that is already dead. Could it be true that when you die your soul is alive and that can still be killed. I just keep running that rapper thing in my head.
"Hee hee hee."
"What do you think you are laughing at?"
"Nothing just on how when rappers die they have no soul."
"Well the boss doesn’t like people laughing so when we get there you can’t laugh ever again."
"First of all, where are you taking me? And second, who is your boss?"
"You will find out when we get there!"
So I followed him for a long time and no one was talking until I started to hum a tune. I was actually hungry and was wondering if we could stop or find food or something.
"Stop Singing!"
"I am only humming and I am hungry."
"Well… Stay here and I will find you something to eat. Alright with you?"
Then off in the distance I could see Jim Morrisan from the Doors and I see Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World. I also see this half-naked Indian. It was kind of cool actually. I wanted to go see them but I wondered what would happen if that cloaked man came back and killed me or something. But hey I still went over there.
When I got there they were talking about dreaming and how people never die in dreams. I was thinking that was pretty neat.
"So what you are trying to say is that if you die in your dream you really die in real life?" –Wayne
"Ya man that’s exactly what I am trying to say." –Jim
"So if I were to jump off a cliff, say bungee jumping or cliff diving…" –Wayne
"Ya, cool." –Garth
"Then I would keep falling and when I hit the ground I will not wake up but stay asleep forever in my dream?" –Wayne
"No, man. See what happens is if you die in your dream then you really die." –Jim
"Oh." –Wayne and Garth
"Hmm, I have hit the ground jumping off a cliff in one of my dreams." –Me
"Well, but were you still alive?" –Jim
"Well… I am not to sure… See I think I hit the ground and then I was a bunch of pieces yet I was still alive… Well I was still in my dream thinking." –Me
"See that’s the thing, you were dreaming of a dream where you want that to happen. See you have to grasp the concept of that you can dream of having a dream like that and you will never die in those." –Jim
All of us shook our heads.
"Hey I… Uh… Once I had this dream where I was in bed and I was sleeping and everything was weird. I woke up and got dressed to go to work and then I got to work and was going to die by getting my hand caught in one of these cars and the car drove off. Then I thought I was going to die and I woke up in bed and then the same thing happened but I woke up again. Isn’t that strange?" –Garth
"Ya" –All of us
"That is strange, man. That sounds like a bad acid trip." –Jim
Then we just kind of sat there for a couple of second with no one talking.
"Hey, any of you guys have any food? I am starving." –Me
"Sorry, man, don’t have any." –Jim
"Nope" –Garth
"Sorry Dude" –Wayne
"Crap! I am so hungry. Well hey nice talking to you guys but I have got to go." –Me
"Ya us too. We have to go also." –Wayne
So I walked back towards where I was when I was waiting for the cloaked man. And then he appeared.
"Oh wow, how do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"How do you just appear like that?"
"I don’t know."
"Oh well. But hey do you have any food?"
"I got some Taco Bell food, is that ok?"
"Ya its fine. What did you get?"
"Some something called a number 10 and some Quesadieas?"
"Oh yeeaaahhh, That’s good."
So I had my food while he sat there watching me. I had to start a conversation because I was getting uncomfortable.
"So uh… You are what exactly?"
"I can’t tell you that."
"Why not?"
"I just can’t do it."
"Well ok. I think I have seen you in some of my other dreams. You like watch me or something."
"I don’t think so."
"Are you sure?"
"You are lying! You are my dream keeper! Aren’t you?"
"How did you guess?"
"Well let me think. YOU WERE IN ALL OF MY DREAMS!!"
"Oh. Ok."
"So why do I actually get to talk to you? Are you trying to tell me something about my life? Are you trying to tell me that I need to talk to someone? Or do I need to guess that too? And since I am dreaming why am I not waking up?"
"You don’t wake up because I am your sub conscience. I make you wake up. When you fall off of cliffs you wake up because of me. I do have something to tell you. I always have things to tell you. I am much smarter than you are. Everyone’s sub is stronger than when they are awake."
"Is that because your mind is clear and then you can analyze your dreams?"
"Yes. I have things to tell you but I can’t give you a full hint. Or tell you the answer. I have to tell you if you are right or not or if you can see the correct way of things."
"So every dream has a meaning?"
"And you have something to tell me in every dream?"
"And you are not allowed to tell me directly but I have to figure it out myself?"
"So many of my other dreams that I have had have meaning?"
"So what is this dream about?"
"No, see you don’t understand. You can’t just ask what I am supposed to say. I will give you hints by how weird it is."
"Can you talk to other people’s sub conscience?"
"And they know?"
"Each sub conscience talks to each other."
"So you can tell other sub conscience’s that I like that person?"
"And through their dreams they know this?"
"Only if they have dreams. Not everyone has a dream about something that happened that day."
"So last night, I had this dream about a friend of mine spitting in my ear."
"Yes, that has a meaning to it."
"Well god damn it! You are making this very hard."
"I can only tell you this through dreams and if I tell you the whole thing I can die and you will never have dreams again. Therefore you have to figure this out for yourself. Some dreams I will repeat if you really need to figure out what they are."
"Once I had a weird dream about my friend at her house in Santa Cruz and I got attacked by her dog. I remember talking to you."
"Ah. Yes. I remember that one. You still have not figured out the full meaning to that dream."
"No. But are those dream analyzing books accurate?"
"Couldn’t tell you. I have never read a book in my entire life."
"Oh… But could it?"
"The man who wrote the book may never have dreams again because he got their sub conscience to talk and tell them what dream means. Or he asked how to analyze a dream. That ended his dreams for life."
"Wow. That sucks for him."
"Yes but is good for you. On the other hand it may not help you because the dreams I give you are very strange and hard to figure out. You are very smart at logical thinking and sometimes you need to just look at something else to help you figure out things. Maybe the book will tell you how to analyze your dreams."
"I sure hope so."
There was a pause while I finished eating and I thought. I thought about how I have had weird dreams and need to figure out what they are. I started thinking about past dreams about friends and family. I wonder if any of those dreams are bad. I wonder if I will remember this dream when I wake up.
"Hey, we have to get moving, Shawn."
"What’s wrong?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking about dreams and if this is really a dream or if I am just living some odd crazy life. Besides that, if I have these weird dreams, how do I actually think of them?"
"You just have a different way of thinking than anyone else."
"I guess so."
As we kept walking there was no talking. I just kept looking at the ground and paid no attention to anything else. After an hour or so I looked up but there was no one there. There was no one around for miles. I couldn’t see anything but sand. I knew that the dream keeper could just open doors from anywhere and maybe I could do the same things.
I pretended like there was a door just sitting there and thought hard about believing there was a door there. I grabbed the handle and turned it and then I was right. I could also open doors to anywhere. As I opened it I could see through it and saw just more sand. But as I got through the door and closed it, it disappeared. And I couldn’t believe my eyes but I saw Calvin and Hobbes. I saw both of them and I couldn’t believe it. It was so cool. So what else would you do if you saw a couple of cartoon characters? I just went up and talked to them.
"Uh. Hey you guys." –Me
"Hello, we are going to go to Mars." –Calvin
"That’s cool. But how are you guys getting there?" –Me
"Well, easily we will take our space ship there." –Calvin
But the odd thing was is I could see bubbles appear above their heads while they talked and they looked unlike normal color. They also had a box, which they said was their space ship.
"Uh, well I better get going so you guys can go to space." –Me
"Ya, well, you will see us in the newspaper some day." –Calvin
"Ok, I can’t wait." –Me
My dream continued in the desert while I still could not find my Dream Keeper. As I walked around I decided to open another door, and instead of sand I was in like a clouded white area. There was just white all around me and I couldn’t see anything but a door in front of me that was open. There was a light coming out of the door.
Then I started to hear voices and I knew who they were. It was my friends Ashley and Rachel. They were calling me to come.
"Shawn." –Ash
"Shawn, come back here." –Rachel
"I’m comin’." –Me
I keep hearing their voices calling me to keep coming but I can’t find them. I wanted to just call out for them but I couldn’t nor did I try.
I started to walk through a door, which led into a bedroom, and the door was open. So I heard their voices even louder now. I saw a bathroom after I walked through the door and decided to enter it. I was kind of neat because I saw two more doors, which one was open and leading into the toilet room, and the other was closed and probably leading into Ashley’s room. I opened the door and there was this large dog that kept barking at me and started advancing towards me. I ran back into the toilet room and jumped through the window and landed in the ocean.
As I was floating in the ocean I saw the outside side of the house. I could see ocean going all around it and was just a bit confused. It looked as though the house was floating on the ocean. I sat there wondering how I was going to get back in but I noticed that the house was getting further away. Then I saw it disappear out of site and I turned around and saw an island. It was a typical abandoned island with your one palm tree with some coconuts on it. But there was a door, and just a doorway.
I got up on to the island and there he was. My dream keeper was right there standing there.
"You still haven’t figured out what this dream has meant, have you?"
"Nope. You don’t feel like telling me, do you?"
"Nope, you have to figure it out for yourself."
So I walked through the door that was standing there and I was again back at the clouded area with the open door. I didn’t see anything else again. I thought that this time I would not go through the bathroom to enter Ashley’s room. This time I will go through her door from the hallway. I walked through the family room and noticed a figure sitting in a chair. I assumed that it was her mom or something.
I could hear their voices again and saw the door coming up.
"Shawn." –Ashley
"Yes, I am coming." –Me
I got to the door and knocked on it.
"Come in Shawn." –Ash and Rachel
I opened the door and saw the dog standing there again and this time there was nowhere to run and I might get killed. The dog jumped on me and started to attack me and started to bite me. I was so scared and didn’t know what to do. The dog was just mauling me and then I woke up lying in the sand.
I was extremely frightened by that the dog kept attacking me and also how Ashley and Rachel just sat there and watched. This scared me more than anything. Why didn’t they come to rescue me? I thought they were my friends and they should come to help me out.
Well I had to forget about that because I have seen that dream all the time. I opened another door and walked through and again saw just sand and more sand. I guess you can’t just open a door and expect someone to be there. So I sat and thought about life. Until I heard something coming. I heard some odd sounds that sounded like an earthquake. I kept looking but I couldn’t see anything coming. Maybe it was an earthquake I thought.
Until I did see something. It looked like a building. It was too. It was a school coming towards me. And the all of the sudden I was inside a room. This reminded me of my science room in my high school. There were people I knew in there. It was neat I knew some of these people. There were my friends in there.
There was Rich and Ashley. There was Dominic and Matt. I knew them. I hang out with them at school. But I didn’t see anyone else that I hang out with. We had a substitute teacher in there. But the weird thing was is that Dominic, Rich, and Matt are not in my science class. Ashley was but Matt and them are not supposed to be.
The substitute said we were supposed to change seats. Hell, I didn’t care. I don’t care what the hell we do. So we walked around for a while until we found the perfect spot in the room. But normally we have Desks in the room not tables. So we got a good table.
"Does anyone care if they get wet today?" –Sub
"I don’t." –Me
"Ok, that’s good." –Sub
Then the nice sub came up and sprayed me with a squirt gun.
"What the Hell?" –Me
So I got up and started to run around trying to dodge this guy who is squirting me with a squirt gun. Until I found a gun on his desk. Now I had a gun too. So we both ran around the room squirting each other. I soon gave up and told him to stop until Mr. Moore came in the room. He is a Vice-Principal at the school. But if he caught us doing what we were doing we would all get in trouble. It is a good thing we both were able to hide our guns behind our backs until he left.
"Excuse me for interrupting, but did you still want that other teacher to come in and talk?" –Mr. Moore
"Ya, sure." –Sub
So Mr. Moore left and the Sub kept shooting me again. What was wrong with this guy?
"Stop!" –Me
"Why?" –Sub
"I don’t want to get wet anymore! Alright?" –Me
"Sure." –Sub
Then the other teacher came in but with a bunch of kids. She had a whole load of kids with her and Rich and Dominic came up to me.
"Hey, we have to get going." –Dom
"Why? Don’t you guys have this class?" –Me
"No." –Rich
"Oh, Ok. But where are you guys going?" –Me
"Don’t know." –Rich
"Have no clue." –Dom
"Oh… Ok…" –Me
"Later Shawn." –Rich
"Ya, Later Shawn." –Dom
"Later Guys." –Me
So this lady turned the lights off because she was going to show a movie. I didn’t mind that either. But when I turned around, all of the tables and chairs were now couches. What the hell was this? Nothing makes any sense. So I went to one of the couches and all of them were the same and they were all Love Seats. Then all of these little kids started to come towards me.
"Get up!" –Kid 1
"What? And what will you do if I don’t?" –Me
"We will be back!" –Kid 2
I didn’t want to wait for them to come back and annoy me again. So I got up and moved to a different couch. Until they came there.
"What do you guys want?" –Me
"Get out of this one too!" –Kid 1
"Fine. I don’t care just leave me alone." –Me
These little kids are starting to get annoying so I went over to where Ash and Matt were.
"Hey guys." –Me
"Hey Shawnathon." –Ashley
"Hey, I have to go too." –Matt
"What? You don’t have this class either?" –Me
"Nope." –Matt
"Ok." –Me
"Bye Matt." –Ash
"Later Eh?" –Me
Well, Matt left and I was just crouching behind the couch where they were sitting. Ashley told me to come towards her because she had something to tell me.
"Shawnathon, come here." –Ash
So I walked around to the other side of the couch to talk to her. Then she whispered into my ear.
"Shawn, I have something very special to tell you." –Ash
"Ok. Go right ahead." –Me
Then she hocked a fat loogie into my ear. And then everything disappeared and I was back out on the sand again. I found that to be one of the strangest things I had ever seen. But I guess I was still dreaming.
I had to find out why I was here and why I was having all these weird dreams. I once again walked through a non-existing doorway. It is kind of a neat thing how it happens. See you grab the door knob as if it were there and you turn it and then pull just like your were to open a door but you have to really act like you are opening a door. You can’t just fling it open like a slob but you have to really try to open it. And then when you open the door there is a scene on the other side of your fake door that you can see that is there. It is just like opening an invisible door. Understand? I guess you might not.
So anyway I got onto the other side but this time I was not in the Desert but I was in the Sierra Mountain area. It looked as if though it had just rained and there was mud on everything. Not the brown mud but it had a red color to it and that made it look odd. And I was inside someone’s house.
"Hey. Would you like a ride?" –Strange Man
"Well… Sure, I guess." –Me
We went outside and his car had mud all over it. Now all the things inside didn’t have mud on them and there wasn’t mud completely covering everything but it covered a lot of it. I walked up to his car and was about to grab the door handle and then he drove off without me even touching the car.
"Shawn, I can give you a ride" –Mysterious Voice
"Umm… Who is that?" –Me
"It’s me, Erik" –Erik
"Oh, yeah I would like a ride." –Me
"Sure, get in." –Erik
Well she peeled off before I could get into the car either. It was actually confusing me so I decided to start walking. I kept walking down the street just noticing how all the trees and such had mud all over them but not on the top. It was like it was from a hard rainstorm and mud just got onto everything.
I kept walking until I came up to a three way stop in the street. And saw a sign saying that it was the longest telephone line in the world. So I headed down the street and started crawling on my hands and knees because I had this odd urge to just crawl. And I just know noticed that I had a backpack on me. Like a school backpack.
This lady was mad because I was crawling faster than she was and we started to race up the street and I noticed that the street started to curve up into a quarter pipe. And we kept going up it and eventually got to the top of it and then there were rails on the side of the street that you could slide down. We slide down the rails all the way until we stopped and then raced again and again.
Then all of the fun stopped when the Dream Keeper came back.
"Sorry. I was just racing in this place here."
"No, No, No. No more racing and why did you get away from me?"
"Why did you lose me?"
"Shut Up Mortal! Follow me back to the higher dream world."
"Where did you get off yelling at me? Or telling me what to do?"
Yep, Now is the time that I shut up because Blades came out of his shoulders and then curved. Spikes came out of his legs and arms and curved forward. I didn’t want to get on his bad side now. So I walked towards him.
"Ok, I will follow."
"Thank you. I didn’t want to hate you. I like you and if you die so do I. I have to show you things so we can figure out some things about your life."
"You mean like tell me the meaning of life?"
"Well, Sort of."
"So you mean I can tell my future through my dreams?"
"Can I tell other people’s future through my dreams?"
"Yes, but if you don’t tell them you had a dream about their future."
"So I can tell people’s future and I can see if they will die?"
"There will be certain hints that you will have to watch for in those types of dreams so when you wake up you can understand what that dream meant."
At this time we have walked through a portal back into the desert. Now the funny thing was that all this time we have been in the desert the heat has not bugged me as much as when I first walked into the desert.
"So, if someone dies in a dream I have and it made no sense to me at the time they will die?"
"No. Not likely that would happen."
"If the dream was real looking and the person died then they could die in real life?"
"But the chances of that happening are…"
"Different for every person because some people just have a dream and it doesn’t mean the person will die and others have dreams and they can tell the future."
"If you tell the person how or what your dream was will it change the person’s life path or whatever?"
"Possibly but I can’t go any further on that subject."
"That’s fine. I was just asking some questions and I didn’t really need and answer to anything."
"Grr… Don’t make me mad!"
"Ok… So where are we off to next? Some building, a different Desert, (not like this one is any different from any other), or are we going to Disneyland?"
"Oh that sounds good. Why don’t we all just go to Disneyland and forget what I have to do with you? Why don’t we all go have fun and pay no attention to where you need to go or do?"
"Hey! It was a joke… Calm down."
We kept walking in the desert with no one talking for a long time. It seemed like hours that this happened. But I guess when you are bored or have nothing to think about it seems like a long time. Until we came up on what looked like my friend Dominic’s house which was weird. And I noticed we weren’t in the desert anymore but we were in front of his house.
"We’re here."
"What are you talking about?"
"We are where we need to be."
"You mean Dominic is your master or whatever?"
"No… This is your next mission."
I turned around to look at the house and I scratched my head. I didn’t understand why we came here. What is he supposed to tell me?
"So what is my mission?"
I didn’t get an answer and realized that Mr. Dream Keeper Guy wasn’t there anymore.
"Ok… I guess I will have to find out by myself. I guess that is what he wanted me to do."
I went up and rang the doorbell and much to my surprise no one was there. Looking in the window all I could see was a dark house. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to be here. Maybe I was supposed to be down the street and find where Dominic went. So I walked down the street and thought he might have been at my friend Ashley’s house.
Nope he wasn’t there and the funny thing was is that Ashley wasn’t there either. Nor was anyone at her house. This was a little odd. I didn’t understand what I am supposed to do.
I know now. I am going to get into Dominic’s house and see if I could find anything that needs to be purposely found. So I walked back over to Dom’s house and went through his garage because I am good at doing those things, the getting through the garage things. Ok, I broke into his garage. Anyway, I went into the house and didn’t snoop around his house but just looked at stuff to see if anything was different. And since I didn’t find anything different than normally I gave up and went back outside.
This dream reminded me when you get stuck in a computer game and you can’t figure out what to do next. I always hate it when that happens. Especially when you have no one to talk to you in the dreams. What am I supposed to do that I am still in my dream. This kinda pisses me off that all of these dreams are telling nothing I want to know. I mean I want to understand why I am having these bizarre dreams. And not only that but why am I having this one? Why am I just sitting here with nothing to do? Am I supposed to find someone or something?
I am tired of having dreams that don’t make sense and I am tired of having dreams that are weird. Why can’t I have dreams like everyone else? I give up.
"I want to wake up now… Mr. Dream Keeper, I want to wake up NOW! … This doesn’t make any sense. I want to wake up now. I want to see the light from the real world. Why are you keeping me here? What am I to learn? Does this have any importance in my life? DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE?"
: Poof:
"Yes, this has something to do with your life."
"Well… What?"
"You keep forgetting that I can’t tell you what the meaning of your dreams mean. Only your conscious can tell you that."
"That’s right… So this little dream outcrop thing was just a test of my life?"
"I can’t tell you."
"WHY NOT! … Don’t answer that."
"I wasn’t going to."
"Good. Why can’t I wake up then?"
"You will wake up when you are done with your dream."
"Grr… I hate it when you do stupid riddles… I am done with my dream and I want to wake up."
"YOU ARE NOT DONE! STOP BEING SUCH A WIMP SHAWN! You are not a wimp. I know you and you are an outgoer."
"Interesting word you got there… Outgoer."
"You go and do things and you are not afraid of doing things."
"Yeah well… Nice knowing you and all but I think I am going to kill myself so I can wake up."
"I won’t let you."
"Yes, Yes, I know… I am pissing you off."
"You go that one right on the ding-a-ling!"
There was a small chuckle from the Dream Keeper. I smiled knowing I can now make anyone laugh, even mean people. But I really wanted to see my friends and other people that are real. It made me sad and I think that he saw that. So we went into another area of space. We were now standing in front of the Arco Arena.
What the hell were we doing in front of the Arco Arena? Maybe we were going to see something. That would be cool. I wanted to see Pearl Jam. I wondered if this was them. I really want to go inside.
I followed the Keeper guy… I think we can call him Bob.
"Do you have a name?"
"Really? What is it?"
"My name is… Bob."
"You read my mind didn’t you?"
"Yeah… So?"
"So! I wanted to know if you really had a name."
"I have."
"Well… What is it?"
"It is whatever you wish to call me."
"Man… Howcome I got such a stubborn Sub-Conscious? Don’t answer!"
"I said don’t."
"Gee… A little Cranky aren’t you?"
"Oh be quiet and let’s go inside."
We entered the building and I already heard loud shouts of a name being called.
It was kinda pleasing to hear my voice being called out by bunches of people. I had no clue what was going on yet I wasn’t scared to go find out what was happening.
I walked around the corner and found tons of people calling my name in sync while they were also waving their hands in the air. It turns out that I was the host for this party and I was the one to start it. Now how was I going to start a concert if I didn’t even know whom was playing? And is this even a concert or were all these people just here calling my name? Man I hope this all makes some sense when I am all done.
"Bob, What is going on?"
"Find out for yourself."
"Grr… You never tell me anything!"
"That’s because I am cool and you are not."
"Well, at least we know you have a sense of humor."
I went out further onto the stage and this guy was on the side waving his arms around. Then he was pointing down towards the ground in front of me. Ah… I see now. There is a microphone. So I picked it up and said:
"Uh… Is this thing on?" –Me
"YES!" –Crowd
"Uh… How is everyone doing tonight?" –Me
Everything was just gurgling nothingness.
"Ah… Ok… I guess that means everyone is good." –Me
More gurgling nothingness.
"That’s cool. Well I guess we have a good show for you. So…" –Me
Then there was that guy again waving his hands at me. Well I see that I am done or something. And he points towards the curtains and then I walk off the side of the stage.
"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!" –Unknown Person
Screaming and that sort of stuff.
"Ok, Limp Bizkit is going to rock the house tonight along with Incubus… We also have NOFX with Rancid playing tonight. Then to end everything off we will pick people out of the audience to come on stage and meet the bands and then we have our secret band playing." –Unknown Person
Still there is lots of Screaming and yelling and such
"Lets get the show on the road shall we?" –Unknown Person
This was totally awesome that there was Limp Bizkit playing here and there was also NOFX and Rancid and Incubus. I couldn’t believe this. Then the curtains opened and there was Limp Bizkit standing on the stage but it was all dark. It was pitch black in the building now. And there were quiet sounds in the audience. And then they started playing… It was cool. I have never seen Limp Bizkit Live so this was defiantly cool. But it wasn’t Limb Bizkit it was KoRn. That is also a good sign. And KoRn started playing some songs. And they played through.
Then Limp Bizkit came on and they played for a while and then there was a pause for a while saying that the show would go on after about 10 minutes. Well… The stage changed and there was different bands playing. Now was Incubus, and then was NOFX, and then was Rancid. Then after a bunch of hours of cool music they building said that the show would continue after the members from the audience were picked.
This guy came up to me and told me to get on the stage saying he needed to talk to me. I didn’t argue and did what the man said. I got on the stage and we started talking.
"Hey, you are Shawn right?" –Bouncer
"Yeah, Shawn Smith, AKA Funkbucket." –Me
"Ok this is what you need to do, since no one saw you get up here, listen carefully. You need to go back out into the audience and find some people to come up on stage. Everyone knows who you are and I wouldn’t say "Hey anyone what to come on stage with me." So be careful. Go out there and find anyone you want to join you on the stage. Get a maximum of 10 people. I don’t care if you come back with none. So there is you and 10 other people that come back. Ok?" –Bouncer
"Uh… Can you repeat the middle part? Just kidding." –Me
"Ok go" –Bouncer
So I went out and looked for 10 people. I wanted to find some people I knew if at all any. None of these people looked at all familiar. So I walked around for a while and the over head said:
"The people that are picking the audience members should please hurry it up."
All right. I found some people I knew and the best thing was that they knew me because they were my best of friends. There was Rich, Ashley, Rachel, Matt, Derek, Erik, Lori, and Brian. That was all that was there and they weren’t all together but pretty close and they asked me if I wanted to stay with them.
"Hey, Shawn, how’s it going?" –Rich
"Not bad. How bout all of you?" –Me
"Pretty good"
"Not Bad"
"Alright, That’s cool." –Me
"Shawnathon, Do you want to stay with us?" –Rachel
"Yeah come on Shawn." –Ash
"Well… I was wondering if you guys wanted to stay with Me." –Me
"What’s the difference?" –Lori
"Well… You guys could stay here and watch the show from here and then after the show leave or you could stay with me and then go backstage after the show. Which do you prefer?" –Me
All I got was amazed stares at me it was rather amusing
"Alright… Anyone who wants to come with me can." –Me
It’s a good thing I was quiet to all these people or I would had a bunch of other people come rushing at me and that would be really lame. So I walked back up to the side of the stage and the guy that was on the P.A. was about to talk into it until he saw me and everyone else with me.
"Ok, All of you take these passes and then after the show follow Shawn here and make sure he is here other wise you will just get the small lame tour type of deal. You all follow me?" –Bouncer
"I understand"
"Ok guys lets go get in tha pit man!" –Me
So we got over to where the pit was and then we were waiting there until the announcer called.
"Sorry folks about the inconvenience but we couldn’t get the people. Let’s let the show continue. ALRIGHT!" –Guy on P.A.
The curtains opened and it was Pearl Jam and they played and then we thought the show was over until some of the bands started to come out and they were playing all kinds of weird music and all the bands were together just playing all together. It was the most interesting thing I have ever seen.
The show ended and this was something I would never forget. I got to see all these bands and then I saw them all play together and then I got to go backstage. We talked and played a little with each of the band members and then at about 6:00AM we were starting to get tired.
That is when I woke up and am here telling you this story. All I remember was saying I was getting tired and the band members were saying the same thing and then I sat up in my bed. That was pretty bizarre. And if you think that dream wasn’t you must be on some heavy crack abuse. That’s all that happened, Nothing else, That’s it. I just woke up and sat there and this is where you come in… Leave so I can sleep some more and have another odd dream so I can tell you about it. Thanks.