My Friends


Too many people bitched at me for what I had down for them so I changed it all!!

Anyway this is in no Particular Order.  You can go see the pics if you are too impatient. Some pictures

Rich:   I haven't seen him much this year but we both still talk.  He is a funny guy, little insane but so am I.  He always brings a camera to school just incase someone dies or something else happens.  He likes to play the Guitar and likes Punk and Ska.  Go here to visit his Page: Sacramento Punk and Ska.  He is quiet but has a good heart... And just because he is quiet doesn't mean he isn't insane.

Ashley:   Is funny, she is a nice sweet person who likes Chickens and Limp Bizkit... (One is really a Chicken and the other is a band). That's okay though.  She also says she is going to get married to Wes Borlan (Geetars of Limp Bizkit) but she loves her boyfriend Chris.  Overall she is one Awesome person!  We went on a backpacking trip a little while ago and it was massive amounts of fun.  I made a page for her so go look at it and see if you like it!!  The Chicken Goddess

Rachel:   My best chick friend. Great sence of humor.  Beautiful.  There are tons of things about her but I can only list a few.  We have been going to alot of concerts lately and she rocks.  It's just too bad she will be moving to Santa Cruz soon.  I am going to miss her so much.  Anyhow... Enough of sad stuff.   Rach lurves silverchair and Screaming Girl Punk.  And because she is also a sweet nice person, go to her Web Site: Stargrrl's Kick Ass Page!! She is one of the Coolest chicks I know.  I care about her so much that I took care of her, when she was sick, for 5 days strait of all my free time I had.

Sara:   I met her through Rachel and it seems like she is awesome.  I have spent alot of time with her and she is so quiet I can't really get to know her any better.  But it seems like she gets a kick out of me tweaking out so all's good.

Laura:   I knew her before this year but never got to hang out with her or talk to her.   She is a really cool person and Me, Sara, Rachel and her allways hang out together.   It's quite cool.  Anyhow.  She gets to go to Mexico for Summer... I have never been out of the country and here she is going outside of the country!  Damn it!

Christina:   She is good friends with Rachel and I see her all the time at School.  She is really cool... She laughs at every thing I say and WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?   Heheh... That's great!  Hehe.  Anyhow.  She is out there and seems to do some insane thing every once and a while.

Lori:   We hang out together during lunch at school.  She is a weird Chick who loves Green Day and some other Punk bands like AFI and Dead Kennedys (yuck).  But she does like Screeching Weasel (yes!!).  She likes to talk alot which is something I also like to do.  She is in my Drama class this year and we have been talking alot.

M.C. Brown:   We don't have any classes this year.  Oh well... And he is the only sane person that I know who will Mountain Bike Ride with me.  Yeah and since there are so many Matt's at our school I call him M.C. Brown since that is his name.  We hang out at lunch and he almost never talks which is the oppisite of Lori.  He likes NOFX like I do but everyone has to or else they will die a slow horrible death.

Brandon:   He is cool because he is like the only person in my graduating class that likes White Zombie and isn't a dick about things...  He is also quiet like Matt but quiet people are pretty neat people when they start talking to you.  He likes Japanamation and can drawl really really well like.  Brandon reminds me of an insane bus driver who plays Metallica and White Zombie while in the bus and he is doing the head banging deal (like in Rob Zombie's Dragula song.).  Heheh.  He says he is going to take over Europe with a Ray gun that he is working on but I don't know...

Angeline:   She is pure insanity.  Yeah right.  She talks just about as much as a mute turtle.  Well... More like a mute squirrel... Or rather like a really quiet person.  Angeline is cool because she listens to alot of the same music I do and she hangs out with me at lunch... Too bad she is QUIET!!

Hollie:   Hollie is a very good Actress.  She is in my Drama Class and we both can go on and start a pointless conversation that makes no sense and if both of us didn't know that, something is very wrong.

Brian: He and his parents got into an ordeal and it looks like he is living with me for a while... Anyhow, nice guy that really helps me out when I need it.  He works all the time anymore and makes way more money than me.  He seems like everything else is going good with him... He is great.

Derek: Lives to far away, he is a goofy Guy too.  Likes Monty Python and good Computer Games.  Good Guy to talk to and talks about anything with you.  Nice Guy in General.

Farmer Boy: That is his nick name.  He is too buff for me to be saying that.  But hey HA HA.   YA well he lives to far away also.  He likes Cows.  J/K.  He is a good man to talk to also.  He likes girls too much though.  And that's ok.   I don't have a problem with that.

Ryan: My nieghbor, he lives in a house.  Ya.  He is my neighbor.  That lives in a house.  By my house.  Right next to it.  Ya.  He likes my music too.   He Skateboards like a goofy bastard.  And it a goofy bastard.  He keeps buying people CD's and I got 2 NOFX CD's From him so he is up near the top on my happy list.

Ben: He is a funny, guy who likes the same kind of humor I do.  That is good. He also lives in a house.  With people.  That is neat.  He is goofy and gets hurt for no reason it seems.  I think it is because he is clumsy.

Chris: This guy is a goofy guy.  He is really cool.  He lets me borrow his camping equipment all the time.  It's great!  I really appreciate it too.  This is wonderful.  He let me borrow stuff when I went on my trip with Ashley.

And any others I have forgotten to mention.