Coming Soon Only on the Site of Funktified Sweetness
I know I keep pushing all my stuff back but I am too blank and busy to be creative right now... I just need a day where some people will come over and we will go off and be completly insane!!
Unknown Date but soon... hopefully (I have a scanner now.):
There will for sure now be pictures of me, YES, you heard right, me doing odd things with
(1) Food (2) Sleeping (3) Playing with friends And (4) ME with some of my odd hair style!
Yes, And there will be better pictures of other people like: Ashley, Rich, Rachel,
M.C. Brown and many others. Just you wait and see. It will be here soon!
Way later (perhaps a year):
There will also be another upgrade to my Dream section. I had a very weird dream and
I have the gist of it written down but I am too busy to write alot about it so... That
won't be for a while. That won't be soon but it will be later soon.
No Clue:
We got your average Inflatable Ninja Dinsaur Hunting Page which will be really cool by the
way... You can go see the work in Progress... I am at a massive brain Fart and am
very busy and to release my gas I need alot of free time. So... It will come...